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Meet The Board

Diverse leadership bringing Missouri into an

energy future we can be proud of

MEI's board is a diverse group of nonprofits, public utilities, private corporations and more. Together this dedicated team works to bring you balanced and relevant information and emerging energy issues in real time. We work together to bring a synthesis of view points into one, bringing balance and dedication into focus.

Revised 12-14-2023.png

Board Members

Steve Flick

Steve Flick

Show Me Energy Cooperative

Frank Caro, JD

Frank Caro, JD


David Cohen

David Cohen

ITC Holdings Corp.; ITC Great Plains

James Hoyt

James Hoyt


Marsha McClanahan

Marsha McClanahan

City Utilities of Springfield

Ron Wood, J.D.

Ron Wood, J.D.

Black & Veatch Energy

Todd McVicker

Todd McVicker

City of Columbia Utilities

Kimberly Winslow

Kimberly Winslow


Ann Young

Ann Young

The Nature Conservancy

Elizabeth Smith

Elizabeth Smith

The Nature Conservancy

Kim Dragoo

Kim Dragoo


Michael Sykuta

Michael Sykuta

University of Missouri

Tim Green

Tim Green

IBEW/NECA Electrical Connection

Warren Wood

Warren Wood

Ameren Missouri

Glenda Abney

Glenda Abney

Earthways Center of Missouri Botanical Gardens

Caleb Arthur

Caleb Arthur

Missouri Sun Solar

Fatih Dogan

Fatih Dogan

Missouri University of Science and Technology

Lemartt Holman

Lemartt Holman


Phil Marcum

Phil Marcum

Summit Utilities, Inc.

Tim Michels

Tim Michels

Energy Resources Group


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