Steve Flick
Show Me Energy Cooperative
Steve Flick is currently Chairman of the Board of Show Me Energy Cooperative, a cellulosic biomass facility owned by 400 farmers. The $7 million-project has been completed and is operational, developing and processing energy crops and agricultural residues into biomass engineered fiber fuel. This fuel pellet for co-firing is used at a local utility and for heating residents’ homes and poultry houses.
Mr. Flick is owner of Flick Seed Company Kingsville, Missouri. The company specializes in Native/Energy/Conservation Seeds and underwrites a PBS show, Jerry Adams Outdoors, for the hunting and fishing enthusiasts.
Mr. Flick is a trained Environmental Ecologist and has consulted for 20 years for EPA, D.O.D., and D.O.E., along with several state agencies.
He is participating with the Meridian Institute council for Sustainable Biomass Production, Farm Bureau,Sierra Club and is a plenary speaker for Bioenergy conferences throughout the world. He is also involved in the Midwest Governors’ Carbon Task Force.
Mr. Flick is a graduate of University of Missouri Columbia with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Masters in Environmental Engineering/Biochemistry.