State Energy Planning
Missouri Energy Initiative has been a the forefront of efforts for the state to adopt and implement a state energy plan and a process to update the plan over time as a roadmap to energy affordability, security, and resilience. State energy plans help to build consensus among stakeholders, bring transparency to decision-making, effectively prioritize energy policies & programs, enhance accountability, and smooth implementation. Adoption of state energy plans is connected to economic growth.

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources held two rounds of stakeholder meetings as part of the Division of Energy's Missouri State Energy Planning (MoSEP) process. The MoSEP process will identify and address topics critical to Missouri's current and future energy needs through an ongoing series of stakeholder workshops. Learn more about MoDNR's current planning effort HERE and check out their Energy Data Dashboard to learn more about the state's energy landscape.

Stay Up-To-Date On Missouri's State Energy Planning Efforts
Visit our site dedicated to tracking current and past state energy planning efforts, including the 2021-22 State Energy Planning Process and the 2015 Comprehensive State Energy Plan.

During the development of the 2015 energy plan, five key areas were identified as needing action:
Energy efficiency
Energy affordability
Diversity & security of supply
Regulatory improvements
Innovation, emerging technologies & job creation
Access the 2015 State Energy Plan HERE.

MEI Report: Implications of State Energy Plans
Missouri Energy Initiative's 2014 white paper examined the common threads among states that have undertaken state energy planning (SEP) efforts. Among those commonalities, MEI found:
SEPs work well if plans are developed and tracked appropriately
States with SEPs saw their economies grow
Check out all of our resources HERE.